Our Mission: The mission of this congregation is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ in faithful response to God's will and purposes as revealed through Jesus Christ and in the Word; to seek in all persons a faith and commitment to Jesus Christ; to serve and bring the gospel message to the community; to sustain and be sustained by the regional and general organizations of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ); to work cooperatively with Christians in other communions; to seek the oneness of the body of Christ and to make known the love of God. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
An Historic Church... One of the oldest churches in York County, Virginia, Grafton Christian Church was founded on May 11, 1834. In that year the sanctuary, which is still in use, was constructed of bricks made by hand on the property. As the only brick church in the county, it became known as "Brick Church" thus the present address of Brick Church Road. During the Civil War the church building was used as a hospital by the Confederate Army, and soldiers were buried in unmarked graves in the cemetery. Later the Union Army made the church into a picket post, and on the west side of the building was a window sill (recently replaced) with visible marks where a horse chewed on the wood. There is also evidence that the church was struck by cannon fire. Even during this time the church remained alive in the hearts and homes of its people. The oldest recorded land grant to the church was made by John Curtis in 1844. Mr. Curtis deeded the land upon which the church was built in exchange for one Spanish milled dollar. The founding members of the Grafton Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) chose to separate from Grafton Baptist Church and become part of the first Protestant denomination begun in the United States, the Disciples of Christ. Members of this movement, influenced by the teaching and preaching of Thomas and Alexander Campbell, Barton W. Stone and Walter Scott, sought to restore the practice of the New Testament church in the belief this would lead to the unity of all Christians. In 1949 Sunday School rooms were added to the original building, and in 1953 the sanctuary was remodeled. In 1963 a fellowship and education building was constructed on the property. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Grounded in Scripture... "Restoration" and "Unity" were watchwords of the early Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). The leaders of the movement felt there should be no creed but a belief in Jesus Christ as revealed in the Bible and interpreted according to the dictates of each individual's conscience through study and prayer. These early leaders also believed that the church should be governed by the members of the congregation and that clergy and laity should share equally in the leadership of the church. Alexander Campbell expressed this idea as "the priesthood of all believers". Disciples believe that each person can minister to others and lead in worship, service, mission, and spiritual growth. In our congregation, as in all Disciples churches women and men are encouraged to actively serve as ministers, elders, and deacons. Disciples practice "believer's baptism" by emersion into the church universal, yet most congregations generally honor other forms and traditions of baptism. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
A Vision for the Future... At historic Grafton Christian church our members strive to respond to the call of God and to the mission of the church. We seek new and dynamic ways to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to minister to the needs of our community and to encourage people like you to become a part of our community of faith. But the most important aspect of our new vision is to continue to be faithful to God's calling, to seek God's spirit and to find new ways to minister in the name of Jesus Christ. It is this church's belief that its members are not the only Christians, but that they should strive to be Christians only. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
A Place for Worship & Service... Our church seeks to provide a variety of opportunities for you and your family to meet others who are striving to learn and understand the Word of God and to live as followers of Jesus Christ.
* Adult Choir and Music Programs (Rehearsal Thursday at 4:30 PM) * Adult Bible Study Class * Children's Nursery * Sunday School Classes * Meaningful Worship Services * Local Mission Projects * National/World Mission Outreach * Retreat/Camping Programs * Study Groups for Women/Men